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Troubleshooting method of induction heating equipment

Source: Time:2021-07-29 10:03:49 views:

Induction heating equipment can improve the working environment, improve the working environment and corporate image of workers, and have no pollution and low energy consumption. Compared with coal furnace, induction furnace will not be baked and smoked in hot sun, and can meet the requirements of environmental protection department, and establish the external image of the company and the development trend of forging industry in the future.
Induction heating equipment can improve the working environment, improve the working environment and corporate image of workers, and have no pollution and low energy consumption. Compared with coal furnace, induction furnace will not be baked and smoked in hot sun, and can meet the requirements of environmental protection department, and establish the external image of the company and the development trend of forging industry in the future.
Induction heating equipment is usually carried out at high frequency and high temperature. Sometimes the working intensity is too high, so it will cause machine failure or parts damage. Today, the wide source frequency conversion will teach you some knowledge of distinguishing the faults and maintenance of induction heating equipment in case of any time. It can also extend the working life of heating equipment, and achieve two strokes.
(1) Induction heating equipment can not be started and shut down suddenly during operation.
Causes: ① the cj3 of AC contactor is broken; ② The door joint lock or hydraulic interlock contact is broken ③ the open stop button is broken; ④ The power switch is broken; ⑤ The fuse of the control circuit of the final circuit of the main circuit is broken; ⑥ Over current protection device action; ⑦ Short circuit and open point in connecting wire
(2) The high pressure of induction heating equipment can not be adjusted to the required value.
Causes: ① the SCR or high voltage silicon stack has broken down or open circuit, and the power supply is short of phase: ② the trigger pulse is out of control or the angle is deviated; ③ the gate bypass capacitance is broken down or the grid is to ground; ④ Short circuit or creepage of the DC isolated capacitor: ⑤ high voltage DC grounding of oscillator: ⑥ porcelain bottle is too dirty and discharge occurs; ⑦ Breakdown of oscillating tube; ⑧ Internal breakdown of high voltage transformer.
(3) The DC output of induction heating equipment is unstable
Causes: ① the voltage regulator is broken; ② The high voltage feedback system is out of control; ③ Breakdown of channel capacitance
(4) After the induction heating equipment is connected with the heater, there is no positive flow and no grid flow, and no vibration can be generated.
Reasons: ① negative bias pressure was not removed; ② Bias resistance is open circuit; ③ The gate current meter is short circuited or the gate current DC circuit is open; ④ The current meter is short circuited or the positive current DC circuit is open.
(5) After the induction heating equipment is connected with heating, there is positive flow and no grid flow
Cause: ① the channel capacitance C23 is broken down; ② Breakdown of the isolated capacitor: ③ the electronic oscillation tube is damaged; ④ Gate current capacitance breakdown: ⑤ short circuit or open circuit of oscillation coil.
(6) The induction heating equipment has oscillation and no output.
Causes: ① poor contact of the center tap of quenching transformer; ② The secondary of quenching transformer has open circuit, primary short circuit or secondary two grounding points; ③ Whether the coupling between the first circuit and the second circuit is open or not ④ the coupling between the sensor and the heating object is insufficient: ⑤ whether the phase shifter coil is open circuit; ⑥ The cooling water quality is too poor; ⑦ Is there parasitic oscillation in the circuit.
Induction heating equipment has become an indispensable part of the industrial chain, mainly because of advanced nature, safe and efficient use. It has become a pioneer product in industrial equipment.